Friday, January 7, 2011

In the Land deprieved of snow

In the Land deprieved of snow....
yet, a snow(man/girl) strives...
still strongly surviving...

Sorry, I couldnt properly think of a title.. x:

Anyway, I received, with loads of love,
finally after 1month+!
a pretty card and postcard from Xuer! The snow(man/girl) mentioned above! XD

Lookie! Now my aliens want to visit the mosques in Msia

I reli like the stamps. ;DD


Lookie lookie!
Those are the hand crafted rubber stamps posted in her blog so often.
And she gave me one of them.
with my name on it. Isnt dat sweet?
awwww... muacks
I will keep it nicely. ;DDD

In kudos to the card,
A memorable foto of us in the form 6th(only u la)

Ive been hearing ALOT of ambulance lately, ALOT of it.
Im starting to wonder if there are terrorists.
Im kinda hoping there is. HAHAHAHA!
okay, not really...

Its exam week now and I m reli stressed out X;
won b bloggin much for thiss month. gomenasai!
but please keep reading ;DDD


conie said...

walao.. envy laaa..
xuer so lovely..

Ying said...

yalehh xuer treat u so good ar haha ><

Cheryl Leong said...

koyi--batlau punya
ying--anar anar

i was so afraid they will never ever forever reach your doorstep
due to address mistake
or stamp tak cukup
or the postman very re3 took them
or they just accidently flown off from the plane or ship and to the sea
floating and got eaten by the fish
or whales!!!!
i duno

the rubber stamp
i dunno can lasts how long
but if cacat bring it to me
this is life time guarantee de

Cheryl Leong said...

it is not a mosque= =
it is a building with *i think* offices in it
very famous one
dun mempersiasuikan msia la wei

dun post ugly photos of me la wei

Anonymous said...

Somehow looks like Dataran Merdeka, which once houses the high court?
